
Five Tips for Moving to Australia

Sydney Harbour

Australia: the land across the ditch, representing bigger cities, a faster-paced life, more job opportunities, and fantastic weather. Of course, you’re keen to move to Australia – why wouldn’t you be? Before you’re exploring all Australia has to offer, you should thoroughly prepare yourself for the big change in your life. While it’s only a few hours’ flight away, it’s still going to be one of the biggest decisions you’ve ever made. Here are five tips for moving to Australia!

Beware of the sun

In Australia, temperatures often exceed 25 degrees and, in some states, regularly reach 40 degrees plus. When looking for your new home, don’t forget to ask about air conditioning.

Much like New Zealand, the ozone layer above Australia is very thin, so it is important to stay sun-smart.

Find the best location for you in Australia

Work and family life in Australia is well-balanced, wherever you are. Whether you want to be in the beating heart of a big city like Melbourne or Sydney or live in the tropical Far North Queensland, both options are suited to work and family life. It’s up to you to find the best location for your personal needs.

Learn some lingo

Australia has its own set of slang words and expressions. For example, they call jandals ‘thongs’, they call a chilly bin an ‘esky’, and they call sausages ‘snags’. Don’t panic if you don’t pick up on these right away; Australians are very friendly and will help you learn the lingo in no time.

Get your paperwork sorted

Bit of a boring one, but it wouldn’t be a complete article on tips for moving to Australia if there weren’t a few words on getting your paperwork sorted. Make sure you’ve sorted out all the necessary work permits and visas, which are renowned for being super easy for Kiwis to obtain.

Get help from a great moving team

Final piece of advice? Don’t do it alone! Moving to Australia requires the help of an expert moving team who know their stuff when it comes to international moves.

The Moving Company should be the first port of call for moving to Australia. They’ve helped countless Kiwis relocate to Australia with their meticulous work ethic, range of packing and storage services, and, of course, their competitive prices. We hope you have found this helpful and have learnt some tips for how to move to Australia from New Zealand.

Get in touch with The Moving Company, to get a cost for moving from NZ to Australia request an obligation free quote online or call: 0800 668 464 to start planning your move to Australia.

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