Think BIG & Choose Local

The Moving Company has grown to become New Zealand’s first choice international mover for thousands of families and individual customers.


For over 35 years, Kiwi owned and operated moving companies have had to battle the world’s largest moving companies, on our shores. 

In the face of this intense competition, The Moving Company has managed to survive and grow to become New Zealand’s first choice international mover for thousands of families and individual customers. Many might say international moving would be the domain of the multi-nationals?  

There are several reasons for our ongoing success and the serious decline of foreign owned businesses in the New Zealand removals market:      

A Sustainable Future

The Moving Company is committed to a sustainable future. Being 100% Kiwi owned and operated company enables us to plan for today, without compromising future generations. Whether it’s actively reducing our carbon footprint or addressing the human needs of our staff and communities, we are fully invested in the future of Aotearoa New Zealand, and our own place in the world.  

Foreign owned moving companies, within our borders are essentially value extractors, not value creators. Critical services are negotiated and paid for off- shore. Overseas owners and shareholders also require high returns on their investment.  

The current focus of overseas based moving companies is to survive by cutting jobs and costs. If you visit their offices (outside Auckland) you will find little local management or decision making. The buildings are half empty. Essential jobs have been taken away from kiwis and outsourced offshore to take advantage of cheap labour markets.  

In short, overseas owned, and managed moving companies simply cannot extract sufficient value from their investment, let alone contribute to a more sustainable future in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

The Moving Company Worldwide Connections


Our Worldwide Connections 

In the international moving business, we have a significant advantage over global competitors. We have the flexibility of choice. Global organisations are obliged to send your shipment to their own internal branches, the quality of which can be variable. Services are often ‘contracted out’ to regional business hubs, franchises, or 3rd parties.  

Over the last 37 years we have built a worldwide network of the world’s best moving companies to deliver our customers end to end international moves with confidence. Unless you are moving to a remote location our service partners are members of the FIDI Global Alliance, and meet the world’s only independently audited quality standard, called FAIM. These are the companies that will uplift, customs clear and deliver your shipments, under our instruction and guidance, when you arrive at your overseas destination.  

A feature of our alliance partner network is that we all share a common operating system, called Moveware. All move management details, and necessary personal information is securely transferred to our overseas service partners, at the click of a button. It enables us to monitor relocations, right through to delivery. This feature gives us the equivalent of a handpicked ‘one company’ network to the world’s best moving companies, in over 100 countries.  

Understanding Customers and their Needs  

New Zealand’s foreign owned moving companies all control their businesses from Australia or further afield. They practice ‘matrix management’ where kiwi-based staff may report to multiple managers, many based off-shore. With ownership so far removed from the coal face of the business it’s not surprising these companies are completely out of step with the local market, and the needs of kiwi customers.  

For us, the secret sauce is simple. Our senior management and owners are not sitting in overseas boardrooms, they are working in the business. We understand that the emotional significance of moving is just as important as the physical aspects. We can communicate in real time and make decisions very quickly, in the event of delays, cancellations, or other issues. This level of agility, and ‘on the ground’ responsibility is superior to overseas owned movers.  

Global Moving Trends   

In the late 1990s, major New Zealand corporates started to be absorbed by Australian and overseas entities, a trend that was also happening worldwide. At the time, these super-sized corporations stopped buying local and offered global contracts to similarly sized and positioned moving companies. Over time they demanded more and more, at lower prices, which the moving companies found impossible to deliver, without suffering big losses and service challenges.

During the Global Financial Crisis corporations further streamlined their business models, taking out complexity and reducing non-essential functions. Company employees when transferring was given ‘one off’ lump sum payments and asked to ‘self-manage’ their relocations. This simplified approach to moving staff was universally adopted, resulting in a significant reduction in global moving contracts.  

The overall effect of these trends has been the decline of the ‘one company’ international moving and storage businesses worldwide. The end of global moving dominance started in the UK and Europe and like other global trends the reality is now here, in Aotearoa, New Zealand.  

Thank you for taking the time to find out more about The Moving Company, and who we are. If you are currently considering a long distance or overseas move, please don’t hesitate contact us for an obligation free quotation. We look forward to being of service.  

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