10 Tips for Moving With Children


Moving can be hard, but moving with children can be even harder. Kids can be difficult at the best of times, so how on earth are we supposed to survive a stressful period like moving?! Fear not, because we’ve put together 10 tips for moving with children which will save you from those stress migraines. We’ll cover things like roles and responsibilities, open discussions and who to talk to if you want the best moving service available.

10 Tips for Moving with Children

1) Get them to help

If you see your kids as free labour, you’re already on the right track to moving. Their strong, sticky hands that help them grip objects are the perfect utensils for carrying out a move. Disguise the move as a game or competition, challenging them to pack the highest amount of boxes.

2) Allow plenty of time

Moving can often be a race against time and you’ve often got less time on your hands when you move with children. Starting early will guarantee you a head start in the race.

3) Adventure-ise it!

It may seem a little untruthful to dress up the moving journey as an ‘adventure’, but it sure as heck works. This puts a positive light on the moving journey, likely to influence your children’s perspective of the move.

4) Discuss it with them

While we want our kids to think of the move positively, we definitely shouldn’t be forcing them to think that way. Moving is sometimes hard for kids to understand, so it’s important to talk to them about it and see how they’re feeling.

5) Take breaks

Children are full of energy, but moving is exhausting for everybody. Make sure you take things slow and take plenty of breaks when packing, moving and unpacking.

6) Reward them

Rewarding your kids for helping out or for accepting the move so bravely is a great way to help them manage the move. Incentivising is what the whole world is based on, so it’s also a way to expose them to that!

7) Creature comforts

Make sure your children have their creature comforts during the move. Think about their favourite blanket, teddy bear or something else… as long as it’s not your iPhone.

8) Ask them to pack their essential items

Essential items are things that won’t go in the moving van during the move. Ask your kids to pack their own essentials, taking a load off your shoulders.

9) Get rid of what you don’t need

There are probably tons of things that you have no use for anymore. Give what you can to charities or those in need!

10) Choose a top moving team

The biggest tip for moving with children is to choose a top-notch moving team. This takes the stress out of moving, big time!

Need one of these moving teams to help you and your kids move house? Get in touch with The Moving Company, they’re New Zealand’s experts in local and international moves. Call The Moving Company for a quote today on: 0800 668 464 or complete a quote form online.

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